Sunday 17 July 2011

My first New York shoot in Timesquare

 I have finally had time to finish retouching my first photo shoot in New york. We shot this on the 4th of July in Time Square. We had planned to shoot on the 3rd of July , but as we all arrived at Time Square , so did a massive thunder and lightning storm. It pissed down so badly that we had to pospone the shoot for the following day.

Pavel was our russian male model from OnRequest models .
Rachele our Chicago born female model from Woman Direct Model agency had a big romantic day planned with her boyfriend for the 4th of July holiday. But cancelled her holiday to shoot with me as it was my last day in New York.  Thank you Rachele and Pavel. It was amazing to work with such experienced models, this was just my first shoot and Im really excited to shoot some more stuff. tick tock tick tock ... counting down the weeks until we get our O-1 American visa's !

Not only did I shoot this story but i also filmed awesome little video clips of Pavel skating through Soho and the whole adventure in Time Square. Mark Sherman is going to be editing the video for me as soon as he gets a chance.. which will hopefully be soon ...   :)

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