Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Back in Dubai and back in the swing of things

After spending the last two months in France having a holiday with my parents and giving birth to our baby boy Cash Max Campbell Kennedy, i have returned to Dubai. Happy that the weather has chilled out abit, I am now able to start working on some awesome projects for my book.

The move to L.A is on the books for May /June next year and I have a ton of projects to do before we leave. I am working with stylist and online mag owner Guillaume Nallet on a huge amount of fashion editorials. Shooting will kick off next week as we start our first shoot which is gonna rock Dubai. Besides the stills side of things, we are also working with Mark Sherman cameraman / DOP , working on a few video projects which I will be directing .

At the moment I'm working closely with Richard Butterfield on the retouching of my gangster portraits. We should hopefully have a mock up book by end of November. Harry &Co my Cape Town PR agent will be finding me a publisher with help of there literary agent. I have finally locked off the month of March to have my first Gangst*r exhibition in Cape Town. I will be in Cape Town for 1 month working on 7 fashion editorials and 5 short videos.

Will be uploading my new shoots in the next couple of days, and will keep you posted